王婷,副教授,厦门大学经济学院毕业,研究方向为区域与城市经济学,低碳经济学,能源与环境理论与政策。在期刊“Energy Policy”、“Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews”、“Journal of Cleaner Production”、“金融研究”等以第一作者发表多篇文章。现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目一项,已完成国家自然科学基金青年项目一项、博士后科学基金项目一项、中央高校基本科研业务费专项二项。曾参与国家社科基金项目、省部级课题项目以及与发改委、财政部、能源局、国家电网、中广核等合作的多项横向课题。
Ø Wang, T., Liu, J. & Xu, Y. Primary energy consumption structure and the influencing factors in China: an income decomposition and post-economic crisis era perspective. Environ Sci Pollut Res 29, 77908–77926 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-21202-0
Ø 胥永强,王婷,食用初级农产品定价逻辑的历史社会学考察,山西农业大学学报 (社会科学版),2021,20 (5): 100-108.
Ø Wang, T., Wen Y.Y., and Lin, B.Q., China’s Energy consumption and the influencing factors in China:a nonlinear perspective, Journal of Cleaner Production, 249 (2020),119375. (SCI/SSCI,5年影响因子:7.051,JCR 1区)
Ø Wang, T., Lin, B.Q., Fuel consumption in road transport: A comparative study of China and OECD countries, Journal of Cleaner Production 206 (2019), 156-170. (SCI/SSCI,5年影响因子:7.051,JCR 1区)
Ø Wang, T., Lin, B.Q., China's natural gas consumption peak and factors analysis: a regional perspective, Journal of Cleaner Production, 142 (2017),Part 2,548–564. (SCI/SSCI,5年影响因子:7.051,JCR 1区)
Ø Xie, C.P. Wang, T., China's Gas Market Outlet, ESI Bulletin, Vol. 8, Issue 5, February 2016.
Ø Wang, T., Lin, B.Q., Impacts of Unconventional Gas Development on China's Natural Gas Production and Import, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 39 (2014), 546–554. (SSCI/SCI, 5年影响因子:11.239, JCR 1区).
Ø Wang, T., Lin, B.Q., China's natural gas consumption and subsidies――from a sector perspective, Energy Policy, 65 (2014), 541–551. (SSCI/SCI, 5年影响因子: 5.458, JCR 1区)
Ø Lin, B.Q., Wang, T., Forecasting Natural Gas Supply in China: Production Peak and Import Trends, Energy Policy, 49(2012), 225-233. (SSCI/SCI, 5年影响因子: 5.458, JCR 1区)